Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Khalo-Sherman-Xiuwen Comparison: "self-portraits/female portrayals"

Cui Xiuwen’s angel series focuses on a pregnant woman in a white dress. From the title it is easy to think of having this baby is a miracle from heaven. The white dress helps strength that innocence and purity. Cui Xiuwen shows an interest in womanhood. She portrays herself as a woman who is pregnant. In all of the pictures I get a sense of worry like she is unsure about the baby and her future. I can tell the anxiety and vulnerability in the body language. I think the photos are really interesting. Her skin looks so white it’s almost like porcelain.

Cindy Sherman is another photograph who likes to focus on womanhood, being the main subject in all her photographs. Cindy Sherman keeps popping up everywhere lately in my readings. I like how she takes like a stereotypical role of women throughout history and photographs herself in those situations. I do not think Sherman meant to say anything negative about women, I don’t believe she’s a feminist. I think she is just shedding light on women in general almost glorifying them. My personal favorite film stills by her are her “Fairy Tale Nightmare’s.” I find these stills to be visually appealing and I am drawn to them because I want to know more about them. They are kind of abstract because you have to think about what they are.

Frida Kahlo has a different approach than the two women artist’s because her medium she uses is painting. Even though she has a different approach Frida’s main focus is portraits of herself. At first glance her paintings are not traditionally feminine. Frida’s unibrow and semi mustache are not exactly appealing. However, Frida uses a lot of symbolism in her pieces. I do not know exactly what they mean but I can tell they are significant to her works. These paintings are self expressive, representing her life and sexuality.

All three of these women are representing women in their own ways. They all are the subject of their own works. In many cases they put their own emotions and feelings into the work. Cindy Sherman is a little different because she creates a persona that is not herself she is just a character in her work. Frida Kahlo uses her life as inspiration for her paintings. I think it is great how these artists are representing women. For so long the art world has been dominated by males.

Film Still: Illustrator Edit